Temporary Corporate Conference WiFi Solution for Dassault Systèmes

Temporary Corporate Conference WiFi Solution for Dassault Systèmes

"Accommodating a very last minute venue change and going in close to blind in the space of a couple of hours we had our own private WiFi connection."

Dassault Systèmes are a multi national innovative software company specialising in 3D product design, simulation, manufacturing and other 3D related products.


Dassault Systèmes came to Bytes Digital looking for a WiFi and connectivity solution for their conference. The two-day conference needed reliable connectivity for both guests and staff.

An important part of Dassault Systèmes’ conference, was that attendees had to download and use an app developed by Dassault. Demonstrating their application was an important part of the conference, so the WiFi needed to be both bulletproof and fast.

Temporary Corporate Conference WiFi Solution for Dassault Systèmes

Our Solution

Bytes Digital crafted a bespoke WiFi solution for Dassault Systèmes, using both satellite and 5G for the connectivity backhaul.

The Event WiFi solution for Dassault Systèmes conference included:

  • Starlink Satellite solution for robust connectivity
  • 5G backup for added WiFi reliability 
  • Access points placed strategically across the venue for maximum WiFi coverage
  • Engineer installation and de-commissioning of the WiFi solution
  • An engineer on site to provide support throughout the duration of the conference
  • Custom WiFi SSID and passwords, making it easy for guests and staff to login quickly 

After a last minute venue change, Bytes Digital had to make some quick adjustments to the solution—ensuring that the new venue could be provided with the level of WiFi coverage arranged for the previous venue.

“Just wanted to say a big thank you for your teams efforts yesterday. Accommodating a very last minute venue change and going in close to blind in the space of a couple of hours we had our own private WiFi connection.Had a really positive impact on the event and helped make it a success. Thank you!”
Temporary Corporate Conference WiFi Solution for Dassault Systèmes


The solution gave the Dassault Systèmes and their conference attendees their own, dedicated WiFi network. 

Our standalone WiFi network ensured that every attendee had the best experience using Dassault Systèmes app. Feedback from the organisers and attendees was very positive, and the Bytes Digital WiFi solution “helped make [the event] a success”.

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