What is a leased line?
A leased line is a private network service where an internet connection is transferred directly from a building/ premises to an Internet Service Provider (ISP), this acts as an alternative to a public broadband. For businesses, leased lines will be used as their private connection, going straight to their business premises only, as broadband connections share bandwidth between multiple users, including members of the public, therefore putting restraints on the speeds available and how much users can use the network at the same time, the leased lines become exclusive to you.
How does a leased line work?
These lines work off the simple basis that a private line is run directly from an ISP to a business location. They come with guaranteed bandwidth, speed, and exclusive use of the connection. Lease lines assure consistency as they share bandwidth equally between uploads and downloads, this is called a symmetrical connection, whereas standard broadbands will not have the equal share and they allocate more bandwidth to downloads over uploads, therefore is an asymmetrical connection.

Advantages of leased lines
- Synchronisation: Same transfer speeds, which means this is a great choice for communication services within a business, for example video calling and the use of VoIP telephone systems.
- No conflicts: Removing chances of technical conflicts is crucial in a business, along with fast and reliable connectivity. Leased lines will achieve decreasing chances of conflict as only the employees will be working from this network, therefore the speeds will not slow down due to higher demands.
- Unlimited data: Leased lines allow for unlimited data to be always transferred, therefore as users, you will not need to worry about being faced with exceeding charges.
- Reliability: These lines come with service level agreements warranted, which in theory means that if you were to experience any faults, then the systems should be back up and running in no time.
Disadvantages of leased lines
- Expensive: The installation and running costs are much more, compared to ‘normal’ broadband as leased lines can be monthly payments of £100/£200 upwards. Broadband is cheaper because it has one large connection that is shared between multiple businesses, which reduces each individual cost. However, this may only be in the short term that it seems expensive and in the long run, you may find that you have made some financial savings.
- Installation delays: It can take a while to install leased lines, especially if there are not any existing leased lines, this is due to connecting the two end points (business and nearest fibre point). In some cases, it can take months for these lines to be installed.
- Can be too much: For small businesses, leased lines can become too much, from the high speeds to the higher costs. An alternative for these types of businesses would be mobile WiFi (4G/5G) or multiple broadband lines which are used to load with a balance and increase your available bandwidth.
What speeds do leased lines provide?
Leased lines can provide speeds between 1Mbps to 10Gbps. The most popular picks are 100Mbps and 1Gbps as they can manage higher demands and prove increased reliability. These lines run off the basis that the faster the speed of the line, the more expensive it becomes. Across the board, leased lines offer a higher speed than broadband due to it being a private connection, in which it is not affected by the high demand of users.

How much does a leased line cost?
The factors to consider when finding the most cost-effective line are the speed required, the level of support wanted post install, and the price is dependent on the provider of the line. On average, the monthly cost could be between £150 and £1000, again, as mentioned before, the faster the connection speed of the line, the more expensive it will be. There may also be an option to get leased lines on a bearer, for example, if you have a 50Mb line on a 100Mb bearer, you can increase the capacity to 100Mb if needed and whenever, meaning that the extra capacity doesn’t necessarily increase the total cost.
Does my business need a leased line?
Whether operating a small or large business, the overall outcome of using leased lines will be positive. Leased lines are a type of broadband that suits businesses requiring consistent and strong bandwidth for their day-to-day jobs. They will provide you with guaranteed speeds and services that have a greater fix time, should anything go wrong. Businesses can also make the most out of stronger bandwidth and allow them to work in a more productive manner due to the increased speed times and strength of connections.
Leased line vs broadband
The main differences between leased lines and broadband are listed below:
- Speed
- Synchronisation
- Availability
- Reliability
- Cost
Have a look at one of our previous blogs to dive into more detail on the differences by clicking here.
Leased lines FAQ
What is symmetrical bandwidth?
Symmetrical bandwidth is something that all leased lines come with. It means that the connection splits time and speed equally between downloading and uploading. Having symmetrical bandwidth is great for companies as it allows you to both upload and download without connection breaking.
How much does a 100Mb leased line cost?
A 100Mb package is a popular option for companies, due to the reliability and ability to manage larger demands. Prices will always differ, depending on the speed of the leased line, the higher the speed, the higher the cost will be and the provider that you choose will affect the overall cost.
Are leased lines cost-effective?
If your company relies on high-speed connectivity and your day-to-day activities require lots of bandwidth, then leased lines will ultimately be hugely cost-effective for you. This is because your business will have an increased level of productivity due to the higher speed of your new connectivity.
Would my business benefit from leased lines?
When considering moving to a leased line, you should consider the following:
Do you deal with heavy data files?
Do you require fast and strong internet for day-to-day tasks?
Am I facing trouble with my current internet connection affecting my work ability and productivity?
Would my business benefit overall from quicker connection speeds?